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A man is dying, and as he reaches the point of greatest physical distress, he suddenly finds
himself outside his own physical body. He watches himself being resuscitated by the hospital
staff, he can see and hear what s happening around him - but other people can t hear him or see
him. He s in a state of emotional turmoil.
Soon other things begin to happen. He feels he s moving very rapidly through a long dark tunnel
towards a brilliant loving light. This Being of Light shows him a panoramic playback of his life.
At some point he approaches a barrier or border where he sees the spirits of his dead relatives
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and friends. He s overwhelmed by an intense feeling of joy and love, he wants to stay where he
is, yet he s told that he must go back, as his time has not come yet. Reluctantly, he goes back to
his body.
Later he tries to tell other people what happened to him, but he can find no words to describe it
the experience is ineffable. He also finds that people don t believe him so he stops talking
about it. Still, the experience affects his whole life profoundly he completely loses the fear of
death. In fact he knows that death does not exist.
life after death - życie po śmierci
NDE - Near Death Experience stan prawie śmierci
to die - umrzeć
distress - męka, cierpienie, wyczerpanie
to resuscitate - reanimować
hospital staff - personel szpitalny
to move rapidly - poruszać się szybko
brilliant light - olśniewające światło
the being of light - świetlana postać
barrier - bariera
border - granica
spirit - duch
dead - nieżyjący, umarły
relative - krewny
to be overwhelmed - być przytłoczonym, pod ogromnym wrażeniem
reluctantly - niechętnie
ineffable - nie dający się wyrazić słowami, nie do opisania
profoundly - głęboko, potężnie
the fear of death - strach przed śmiercią
Nowadays many people seem to forget the religious significance of Christmas. Instead, they
concentrate on the secular, like shopping, eating, watching television and opening presents.
Going to church is fairly low on the list of priorities. But seeing family and friends is one of the
things we seem to enjoy most. Although, apparently, during the festive season we seem to have
more arguments with family members than at any other time!
What we dislike about Christmas is the cost, the weather, family arguments, eating too much
and being alone. So don t forget that there are people out there who are simply very lonely
during Christmas. Invite them for a Christmas dinner!
Mmm& Christmas dinner. Delicious. Listen roast turkey... mmm& with stuffing& roast
potatoes& sprouts. And oh, yes Christmas pudding, with raisins and nuts, and brandy butter.
Oh, I can t wait!
Christmas - Boże Narodzenie
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religious significance - religijne znaczenie
the secular - to, co świeckie
shopping - zakupy
watching television - oglądanie telewizji
going to church - chodzenie do kościoła
list of priorities - lista priorytetów
apparently - o ile wiadomo
festive season - okres świąteczny
arguments - sprzeczki, kłótnie
to dislike - nie lubić
cost - koszt
lonely - samotny
delicious - smakowity, pyszny
roast turkey - indyk pieczony
stuffing - nadzienie
roast potatoes - kartofle pieczone (bez skórki)
sprouts - brukselka
lashings - ogromne porcje
raisins - rodzynki
nuts - orzechy
The Christian cosmogony is one of a number that sees the world beginning through creatio ex
nihilo creation from nothing. According to St. John s gospel all things were made by him ,
our Lord, Jesus Christ.
According to the ancient Chinese myth, Pan Ku evolved inside a giant cosmic egg. When the
egg hatched, Pan Ku died. His eyes became the moon and the sun, his sweat the rain and his
voice the thunder.
Chaos a primordial void from whom all created things proceeded - existed before order was
imposed upon the universe. Chaos had several children with itself, including Nix night, Erebus
darkness and Gaia the earth.
The Mayas believed that the universe is continually being created and destroyed, repeating itself
Hinduism, too, believes in a world being endlessly re-created.
According to scientists, the universe was created some 10 to 20 billion years ago by the Big
Bang a giant explosion. However, recently more stars have been found than the Big Bang
theory allows for. The Big Bang might still end up being little more than a scientific myth.
creation - tu: stworzenie świata
myth - mit
cosmogony - kosmogonia
St. John s gospel - ewangelia według św. Jana
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to evolve - rozwijać się
giant - ogromny
to hatch - wykluwać się, wylęgać
moon - księżyc
sun - słońce
rain - deszcz
sweat - pot
thunder - grzmot, grom
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