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who could resist? Vinn had decided to buy a small-town rodeo, and
apparently, this place relied on the success of what was likely a big
source of revenue for many of the businesses.
Cowboy Crush
 Aww, Melissa, you don t have to worry about your job. You
know how everyone is around here. We re here to take care of each
 That s really sweet of you to say that, Bill, but I d much rather
have a job and pay my own way. But the idea of moving away from
here to make a living is not a good thought.
Overhearing the conversation behind him reminded Eli a lot of
the community on the rodeo circuit. Sure, the cowboys were pretty
damn competitive, but they were also a nice, close-knit group willing
to throw in a helping hand whenever it was needed. That sense of
closeness was what it was all about.
The kind of thing he had with Vinn&
Eli placed his cup on the table and scrubbed his hands across his
What now? Just throw away years of friendship and possibly more
over this? There wasn t a person alive he knew better than Vinn, and
no matter what he d done on his own, Eli knew Vinn hadn t meant to
be sneaky or manipulative. Vinn had listened to him over the years,
constantly bemoaning the fact that he wanted to settle down. To lay
down roots somewhere special and make the kind of home he d al-
ways dreamed of.
He glanced around the diner again, taking in the clean and quaint
interior. The flowers on the tables, the few patrons laughing and smil-
ing as they ate, and even the waitress who worried about her job, but
going out of her way to make sure everyone around her was well tak-
en care of. If this was typical of the rest of the town, then it truly would
be an excellent place to call home.
Eli fished his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans and threw a
ten-dollar bill on the table. It was more than enough to cover the sand-
wich and coffee, and he sprang from the booth. Now that he realized
what an idiot he d been, he had to get back. Now.
Lost in his thoughts of how to work things out with Vinn, he didn t
pay much attention to where he was going. Getting out the door and
finding a way back out to the Hayden rodeo became his priority, and
nothing else mattered. First, he needed to retrieve his bag before he
could start looking for a ride, but one way or another, he was going
back tonight if he had to hoof it. Wouldn t be the first time.
Outside he jammed his hat onto his head, looked to the left in
the direction of the truck he d arrived in, and crashed face first into
Eve Cassidy
a hard, muscular chest. Stunned, he tumbled back and headed south
until strong hands gripped his arms and caught him from falling. Je-
sus, he d become a klutz.
 Whoa there, cowboy. What s your rush?
What the ? Even without looking, he knew that voice. With the
assistance of the grip on his bicep, Eli righted himself, stood to his full
height, and stared square into the sizzling amber gaze of Vinn.
 What are you doing here? Eli breathed deep, trying to recover
from the sucker punch of running into his lover.
Vinn s expression clenched, and Eli regretted the harsh tone of his
words. He didn t mean to sound pissed off, but apparently some of
the anger from earlier still lingered despite the decision he d come to.
 I came to find you. You don t get to run away that easy. At least
not until we talk about what happened. We ve been friends too long to
act like this. If you have an issue being my lover that s one thing, but
we aren t fucking up this friendship because of it. So, I came to haul
your ass back if that s what I have to do. If you still want to leave after
that then you can take your camper. I m not going to be needing it
since the property came with a small farmhouse and plenty of bunks
in the barn. Power and determination vibrated from Vinn when he
finally stopped talking and took a breath. Tall and broad had nothing
on him. The man oozed sex, and anyone who knew him didn t think
gay meant weak by any means.
 Just that simple, huh? He d already made up his mind, but that
didn t mean they didn t need to talk about it.
 Well, hell, Eli what do you want? Vinn shoved his hands in the
pockets of his jeans and blew out a harsh breath.  It is fucking simple.
I want it all. The relationship, the rodeo, the house, all of it. With you.
But if you aren t ready for all that, it s fine. We ll slow things down
and see how it goes. We can still work the rodeo together. I put your
name on everything as a partner so that after the initial investment is
recouped, we split everything 50/50. I knew you d accept nothing less
  and I owe you an apology. And this. Eli moved a step closer
to Vinn and pressed his lips to the stunned man in front of him. The
wild heat of Vinn s mouth threatened to make him crazy, but some-
how he managed to control himself and pulled away after a chaste
kiss. Still, inside his body, lust raged and need demanded so much
more. Public be damned.
 I don t know how to make sense of this, Vinn. Being with you
has been insane and wonderful and out of control. I got scared. Ad-
Cowboy Crush
mitting that pained him, but there was no better moment than now
for the truth.
 You know, I think that s the sexiest thing you ve ever said. Now
my dick s hard.
Eli s mouth dropped open before he slammed it back shut.  I can-
not believe you just said that when I m trying to be serious here and
make up for running out on you like a jackass.
 Look, Eli. I appreciate the apology, but I m not blameless here.
I should have talked to you about this crazy idea first. Although you
gotta admit it s a damn fine plan. And as far as us goes, I m willing
to let that play out at its own pace. If you need time or space, take it.
If you just wanna get used to fucking a man, I m good with that too.
Eli resisted the childish urge to stick his tongue out at Vinn. Didn t
matter if he was right or not.  Anyone ever tell you how incorrigible
you are?
 Every damn day. That irresistible wicked smile flashed across [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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