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plained before. Denote by
b : g ’! n(g, D)
the identification of the vectorspace g with n(g, D) using the basis {X1, ..., Xdim g}.
The exponential and the logarithm of the groups G and N(G, D) will be denoted by
expG, logG and expN, logN respectively.
We shall consider the following N(G, D) atlas for G:
A = {Èx : Ux ‚" G ’! N(D, G) : x " G ,
Èx(y) = expN æ%b æ% logG(x-1y)
We shall study the differentiability properties of the transition functions. We want to
work in g. For this we have to transport (in a neighbourhood 0 " g) the interesting
operations, namely:
X · Y = logG (expG(X) expG(Y ))
X · Y = logN (expN (X) expN(Y ))
and to use instead of the chart Èx : Ux ‚" G ’! N(D, G), the chart ÆX : Ux ‚" G ’! g,
where x = expG X and ÆX(y) = (-X) · logG(y).
The transition function from ÆX to Æ0 is then the left translation by X, with respect
to the operation ·. We denote this translation by Lg . We want to know if this function
is Pansu derivable from (g, ·) to itself. See the difference: the function is certainly
derivable (or commutative smooth) in the sense of definition 4.9, for the operation ·,
but what about the derivability with respect to the operation ·? In order to answer we
shall use the following trick: a C" function f : N ’! N is Pansu derivable if and only if
it preserves the horizontal distribution and the derivative in each point is a morphism
from N to N.
The (classical) derivative of Lg moves the distribution Dn(Y ) = DLn (e) into
DLg Dn(Y ) ‚" TXg g. The horizontal distribution in X · Y , corresponding to the
group operation ·, is Dn(X · Y ). The difference between these two distributions is
measured by one of the linear transformations:
AX,Y : Txg g ’! Txg g
·Y ·Y
AX,Y = DLg (0) DLg (0) DLn (0) DLn (0) (4.3.10)
X ·Y
X ·Y
AX,Y : g ’! g
AX,Y = DLn (0) DLg (0) DLg (0) DLn (0) (4.3.11)
X ·Y
X ·Y
Let then J(G, D) be the Lie group generated by these transformations
J(G, D) = AX,Y : X, Y " g
It is then straightforward to see that the algebra j(G, D) of this group contains the
algebra generated by all the linear transformation with the form
ax = adG - adN (4.3.12)
x x
The necessary and sufficient condition for the group J (G, D) to be included in the
group End((g, ·), D) is that all the elements aX, to be in the algebra of the mentioned
linear group. But this is equivalent with one of the (equivalent) conditions:
(i) AdG is [·, ·]N morphism, for any x in a neighbourhood of the identity,
(ii) for any X, U, V " g we have the identity:
[[X, U]G, V ]N + [U, [X, V ]G]N = [X, [U, V ]N ]G (4.3.13)
We collect what we have found in the following theorem.
Theorem 4.16 Set AdG to be the adjoint representation of G and AdN the adjoint
representation ofN(G, D), seen as group of linear transformations on g (via the iden-
tification function b). The following are equivalent:
(a) J (G, D) ‚" End(g, ·),
(b) AdG ‚" End(g, ·),
(c) the relation (4.3.13) is true.
If (4.3.13) holds then AdGAdN is a group and its Lie algebra is the adjoint represen-
tation of the algebra g •" g with the bracket:
[(X, U), (Y, V )] = ([X, Y ]G, [X, V ]G + [U, Y ]G + [V, U]N ) (4.3.14)
Proof. The equivalence of (a), (b), (c) has been explained. Suppose now that (4.3.13)
is true. It is then straightforward to show that the space of all elements
a(X,Y ) = adG - adN
forms a Lie algebra with the linear commutator as bracket. Moreover, we have:
[a(X,U), a(Y,V )] = a[(X,U),(Y,V )]
This shows that AdGAdN is a group and the property of its algebra. In order to finish
the proof remark that a(X,X) = aX, defined at (4.3.12).
Corollary 4.17 The atlas A gives to G a C1 N(D, G) manifold structure if and only
if (4.3.13) is true and for any µ > 0, X, Y " g
-1 -1
´µ [X, ´µY ]N - ´µ [X, ´µY ]G = [X, Y ]N - [X, Y ]G (4.3.15)
Proof. The atlas A gives to G a C1 N(D, G) manifold structure if and only if
J (G, D) ‚" HL(g, ·) and any of its elements commute with dilatations ´µ. This
is equivalent with (4.3.13) and (4.3.15).
Remark 4.18 A Lie group is a manifold endowed with a smooth operation. In what
sense is then G a (sub-Riemannian) Lie group? We already have problems to assign an
atlas with smooth transition functions to G. The real meaning of the corollary 4.17 is [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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